Who Is This Kid ? (impressive talent)

Last Update: December 18, 2010

Child prodigy plays Carry on Wayward Son as a one man band !

If I were a music producer I would be seriously looking for this kid.

A personal quote :

"People often worry about whether they have the upper or lower hand, what they should realize is a wise one wields both."

God bless

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WRI Premium
True on that. What ever she is playing shes good at it, at certain times it almost sound like one of those old Hammond organs, but I know its not.
erussell Premium
I want to know what she's playing. It sounds pretty good considering it's not the real thing...
WRI Premium
Yeah that youth is extremely coordinated. Both feet and both hands are all keeping different rhythms. The child is only 10 years old and is only going to get better.
Louise M. Premium
oh wow. each of her feet and hands are doing different things, I couldn't do that, I can hardly draw a circle with my left hand while drawing a triangle with my right. yeah, try that. ;)
cduane82 Premium
Man, this is good stuff! I wish I could play as good as this child does. I have been playing for 2 years ( not diligently however, as I have so many things I am focusing on) and I wish hope and pray I can become this good. Thanks for sharing.