Day 5: WA has paid for itself

Last Update: June 08, 2010


I had high hopes but really did not expect to see my investment pay off so … quickly.

My  Wealthy Affiliate membership has already paid for itself.

I spent $359 for access to the Wealthy Affiliate course and resources for a year and, following their action plan, will more than make that back through affiliate sales from the past three days.

Three WA membership sales have been completed through my links: one year-long for a $175 commission and two monthly ones that will pay me $20/month as long as they are members. As long as they stay members for five months each, I will have earned $359+.

And it's only the first week. 

This is going to be fun.


Here's what I did to see this little achievement so quickly:

  • Followed the WA training guide to the T
  • Sent links to interested family & friends
  • Posted about WA on my blog
  • Included a WA link in an e-letter I sent to a small list I had built but never utilized.
  • Added my WA link to my signature in several forums
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Jamie Smith Premium
Congrats on your success!
AdamAdam Premium
That's fantastic, congratulations.
dosborne08 Premium
Wow..thats terrific!
Nancem Premium
Good for you! Now that is a nice start to your business. :)
susanjane Premium
:) Thanks for letting me know about this place. I'm glad that your WA membership has already paid for itself!