Excited for Wealthy Affiliate 2012

Last Update: December 29, 2011

After seeing Kyle's recent announcement about changes for the WA Vegas incentive program as well as overall changes within the community and training programs, I am really excited for 2012 in the online writing and marketing realm!

 My basic plan is to leverage the websites and domains I already have to increase my online presence in several great niches, write, blog, interact with my readers, recommend affiliate products, and to maintain a high standard when it comes to the quality of information I'm sharing online. 

Monetarily,. my goal is to hit $5/k per month again, and secondarily, I'd love to earn Vegas this year -- it was already one of my goals for 2012, but I think it just got more manageable -- and make the trip in 2013.

 What are your goals for the year ahead?

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