Which Keywords Work Best?

Last Update: March 11, 2010

Which Keywords Work Best?

The only way to tell which keywords work best is to test them. While it is not prudent to try and test every single keyword in a niche, you do have to test the group of keywords you believe will produce the best for you before you start a campaign.

So, that leaves you with question you probably had in the beginning, “How do I find a group of keywords to even get started with?”. That is a huge stumbling block for all people who are trying to break into the business of online marketing and there is no easy answer until you consider the purchase of a good keyword tool.

How much is your time worth? While you may struggle for months trying to get started with the free keyword tools available to you, a good paid tool can get you started in a matter of minutes. Using Micro Niche Finder, I can do a preliminary search on a niche and find at least 50 keywords that will allow me to get a front page ranking with a well SEO’d article.

So, in the same amount of time it takes you to find one good keyword performing you searches manually, I will have all those keywords, know what they can do for me and have the first article written and submitted.

Now I will ask you gain….how much is your time worth?

Is $100 worth a month of your time?

For the same amount I can get you started with your own research tool and the training you need to use that tool to it’s maximum.

What are you waiting for?

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idm Premium
Agreed. Time is way more valuable.