Do Snails ever reach the Goal?

Last Update: August 04, 2010

Well I am nearing the two month trek with WA and I feel like a snail that has traveled an inch in two months.I have decided what to promote and have placed an ad(usfreeads) recommended by Bummarketing. I started a Squidoo page and wrote an article and submitted it to GoArticles.My plan of action is crawling at a snails pace, but it is crawling.

I really am having a hard time focusing on my agenda which was to create a squidoo  page as a landing page and send the traffic to the vender website. I am having problems with the squidoo lens being aired so thats why I went to usfreeads. and placed an ad sending any visitors to the sales page.Am I crawling the right way?

I find it hard to write articles but I can't afford to out source so I'm struggling there. How to use keywords in the body of the text  and no confidence in people wanting to read my stuff! But I've been reading Kyle & Carsons, ,travis(Bummarketing), and Jennifer(potpiegirl) emails and they tell me to write so I'm starting to put some articles out.

Well that's my two months worth and I'm still broke but I'm enjoying WA and the forum so I welcome comments and any advice and I'll catch you later

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jatdebeaune Premium
Something that helps with writing is automatic writing in the morning as an exercise. Just write two or three pages of whatever enters your head. Doesn't have to make any sense at all. It will break down you inhibitions when you write articles. It works! You've gotta treat this business as an investment. Takes time to get the hang of it. It's OK. It's for the "long run".
Imnightowl Premium
I think all of us broke folk should start a club,the two-cents club.We
all have at the very least our two-cents worth.
ana_nimoss Premium
I am a slower snail than you are because I started in May and still not doing much. Consider this your serious business and learn as much as you can. I feel like I am standing still also, but I have learned tons since May... Anyway, life is not a race, and you got a gorgeous granddaughter.