Should I get angry?

Last Update: October 27, 2010

Sometimes I get ticked off when I feel someone has done me wrong. I was looking in my Articlebase articles that was recently approved. I decided to see if the article had made the first page on Google and it had also first position. But i was looking down the page and my title  and in this case my keyword phrase was in the second spot but it was not my spot. So I clicked on the title and went to their website.

They had the title(My Title) listed and I clicked on it .Behold, it was my article but my bio box was not with it. Should I be mad or am I just being being a prude? This site is taking up the # 2 spot and I hold the third spot from my website.

I guess I could try to out compete my own kw phrase to try and move my website article up in Google, but the thing is I should not have to.This isn't the first time this has happened. I don't guess I have lost any visitors or money yet I could have.

Well the good thing I feel better now that I have vented and this episode has given me something to write about. Well back to writing some serious stuff and keyword research.Have a good day!

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sophia13 Premium
You have every right to be ticked off and i agree with the others comments...expose the boogers for what they are in any way you can....the experience will make a great article too. Let us know what happens, wish you a great day
WRI Premium
You say this is not the first time this has happened, and I have heard similar things have happened to others as well.

So what do these parasites do copy your work and submit it to another article publisher? Certainly they could not use the same publishing house, it seems that would set off all kinds of red flags.

The brazen audacity it takes to do something like that is beyond me,and then to be so arrogant as to think the original author would not be checking up on his/her work to me suggest a formal letter of intent to take action, although I realize you must do so, would be ignored.

I know one thing for sure I would NOT let it go. I would do my best to make an example out of that person that would send a very clear message PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED !!!

Sorry about the caps, But who ever did that has made me angry for you,

jatdebeaune Premium
I agree with both comments. I would write to the offending party first, with a time limit of a day. If nothing is done, blow the whistle. Someone just used one of my articles from EZA, resource box intact, but they scrambled the article so that it makes no sense. I wrote them about it. Need to check on that too. Nutty people out there.
famousplumber Premium
After the "polite letter" I would go right to ArticleBase and drop dime on the guy (gal). That's b.s. Don't let them steal YOUR efforts.
Labman_1 Premium
Grr. Now I have to retype my reply cause my login expired while I was typing the first time.
I would think that a polite letter to the perp should be your first course of action. The rules are quite clear you need to get credit for your work. Competing against yourself is not cool. If they do not comply then a stronger letter indicating that you will take action to have them censured should be the response. Congratulations on your rankings!