About YardVark
Joined July 2012
Wayne Tremblay - Southern Ohio
25 years programming
7 years real estate photography
formerly a sucker for bad mlm programs
seeking a good program. Is WA it?
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@RICH. Premium
Hi YardVark. I snagged Kyle in the chatroom re: your Facebook query. He suggests: "Log out of WA, Log out of FB, Log into new FB, Log into WA". Hope this helps. Rich.
veronica.l Premium
Hi and welcome to WA, it is a great place to get all the training and support when it comes to internet marketing. Feel free to ask any questions the wa community are very willing to help. A great place to start is "your first 10 days"

I live in the Canton OH area, nice to see another Ohio res :)

Good luck with your internet marketing adventures
Veronica :)
Thanks Veronica. I'm looking forward to this. Started the first 10 days training and I'm up to day 7 I think. My site will be dedicated to my personal experience in relocating from a large city to a rural setting in an attempt to simplify my life. I believe there are others, like me, who have done the same or have been thinking about it. Thank you for your support!
Deezdz Premium
Hi there Wayne. A warm welcome to WA!

In my opinion, WA is a great learning resource...and I've purchased quite a few before I joined here back in Nov/11. Take your time navigating because there is a ton of information.

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a shout. All the best ~Denise
Hi Dee,
Wow! Thanks for the encouraging note. I'm already impressed with the community here. It's interesting that several people are already following me. I'm going thru the intro training, but I'm pretty sure I'll buy in. I like it here and the program seems to be well thought out. Thanks again. Hope we can touch base again soon.