About Yogeshango
Joined September 2008
Hello Everyone!!!!!!!

My name is Yogesh and I am from India. I have just completed my bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering and I was working as a trainee in a company which into Digital Advertising.

I have been researching on Internet Marketing for quite some time but never was I successful in getting any commissions through any of affiliate programs. But, after going through WA from past few months my confidence has been boost up and have started earning a steady income for myself through Affiliate marketing!

My aim is to generate funds for my further MBA education and also sponsor myself in future for getting my dream car and house.

Also, I will be looking forward to make buddies at WA!
Yogeshango's Accomplishments

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Recent messages
Louise M. Premium
hi! thank you for the buddy add! :)
X2 Premium
How are you coming on the project landers?
jeffrey73 Premium
Hi Yogesh, it's nice to meet you here at WAU. Hope things are going well!
yogeshango Premium
Hello Jeff,

Things going wonderfull these days! I have never been so happy in my Life!

Thank you for asking! Take Care!

G.Patel Premium
Hi, This is patel here.. new at WAU. How are you doing here?
G.Patel Premium
I just want you to review my website.

Links are :


Thanks and Regards
yogeshango Premium
Hey, I'm doing pretty well out here!

Also, welcome to WA!

How are you?
yogeshango Premium

I have seen all your squidoo lens, which you have forwarded to me....

I many things to tell you! I will send a PM to you by tomorrow!

rajput441 Premium
Hello there,
Just crawled your site, got a nice and simple theme.:) I was wondering did you configured it on word press or other CMS?
yogeshango Premium
Hi Rajput,

The site theme is been configured by me to Wordpress!

I love Wordpress a lot and have been working on it for quite sometime now!
