About Zacharyaffiliate
Joined March 2009
I'm an interesting person... or so I've been told ;)

I believe strongly in the necessity for moral values. I never want to sacrifice my integrity for money. I don't know if this will make it more difficult for me to find products to promote or not, but I trust there will be countless opportunities for me anyway.

I want to help people find the best of the best. I found the best Memory Improvement Course, and now, the best Affiliate Marketing Course. I look forward to finding the best of everything, and to the journey I am taking with Wealthy Affiliate University.

Drop me a line any time. I'm already your friend :)
Zacharyaffiliate's Accomplishments

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nikao Premium
Hey Zach, cool shot you got there!
DeeManHKT Premium
All the best to you. I'm sure you will learn and profit alot from the vast knowledge gained by joining this site.
Olga Hermans Premium
Hi ZacK!! I am impressed what you say about your morals and values!! I like that and I share the same! Do you have an affiliate program? I like to put a banner up on my blog if that would be ok with you! http://www.thechoicedrivenlife.com
Let me know; ok?
Hey Olga! I'm not sure what you mean by if I have an affiliate program or not... probably because I didn't get any sleep last night and cant think :P Best of luck to you!
P.S. Thanks for you nice comment :)
Pillar Premium
Hello zacharyaffiliate,

I feel that I need to take a look at the condition of my goal setting after reading your blog. Thank you so much for presenting your views about goal setting to the WA community. I took a look at your Memory Improvement site as well and I am very impressed by it. As soon as I have the funds available to me to purchase it I definitely will. I am looking forward to having a long and fruitful WA relationship with you... Love and Light... Gary
Thank you for your message Pillar... I'm glad that I was able to help. Like I have said, I just felt inspired to write those things... something drove me very strongly to do it, so I'm glad it helped you out. Best of luck to you, and if you do purchase that memory course, I'll be there to help you every step of the way!

P.S. I'll probably have a coupon code for you starting in the next week or two to give you a discount, if that helps :)
Curtisnh Premium
Zachary: Nice Blog... Your thoughts will help me to remember to keep my goals in line with values as I move forward. Sometimes in the internet world, you don't actually see your clients, so I can see how one could easily lose track of this fundamental value you articulated. If you don't mind, I'm adding you to my friend list and donating some gold for a great blog. Good luck as you work your way thru, and if I can ever be of help..please let me know. I'm a relative newbie..but learning more everyday.

Hey Curtis,
I'm glad you liked my blog, I know what you mean about not seeing your customers... but they're people too :) Best of luck to you in everything. I always figure you can't have too many friends, so I'm glad you added me.

I've been so busy with other projects and work, I haven't had time to start working on a real campaign, but I'm starting on it today, and excited to see where it takes me.