
Last Update: September 07, 2011

Well today I submitted 2 articles to StreetArticles. I'm still not sure weather my niche is to broad. (backyard vegetable patch). But i thought this would give me more options to write stuff about. I'm sorta getting confused as we have been told in the 30 day club to post articles on StreetArticles, but do i publish them on my website as well. I guess I just keep doing what i've been told to do and go from there. Hopefully I won't be able to go too far wrong. I'm confused cause I have written the 2 articles, but if anyone does click on the link and go to my WP site, theres not going to be much in there yet for them to look through.

UPDATE: just checked e-mails and one there from SA saying my articles been rejected due to inadequate content on my landing page. So I guess I better start getting some content on my website.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Yes Adam, build content on your own website before submitting to directories. SA wants your home page to have at least 250 words worth of content. Not a bad idea because it gives you the opportunity to put keywords on your homepage that Google will pick up. Bold those keywords, not all the content, just the keywords. Even when you start submitting articles to directories for backlinks, be sure to build your own real estate (your website). You have complete say on your site. No one can dictate to you how to write an article and what to say. Of course, the directories are very important too.