Suggestions For My Personal Blog

Last Update: June 17, 2012
Well I published my personal blog a couple days ago.

Although I've only created 2 posts so far, (just an intro post and an about me post), I feel I'm on the right track and the words and ideas are flowing more freely. which is great.

I decided to leave the home page as the blogroll. I've also set up facebook and twitter accounts in my name, to go along side. (If anyones interested... send me your profile so I can look you up so I can start following other like minded people.)

I've got a few things in mind I still want to do in regards to site setup etc , like customize header with some graphics and stuff which I'll get on to soon. Try to make the site a bit more appealing to the eye cause its pretty bland at the moment.

Just wondering if anyone gets a couple spare minutes, can they check out the site so far and get back to me with any suggestions. By the way... any constructive criticism is also welcome and would be appreciated also.

Click here to check it out.

Thanks in advance.

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veronica.l Premium
Adam I think you got a great start, I like the honest personal writing. I like the easy to read text. I would add a few pages Privacy Policy and a Disclaimer depending on what you plan on adding to your site. What direction are you taking your site? Will this be about your internet marketing experience and progress?
adamleo Premium
Hey Veronica, thanks heaps for checking on my site. I mainly just want people to be able to get to know ME on a personal level. I Also just want to be able write anything that's on my mind at the time and use this blog as a sort of "diary". I think I want to create a fan base with this site then later on create another site along side to help other people with their IM and related issues. What do you think???
veronica.l Premium
I think that is a great idea. Being real, being true and honest will put you a head of the game. Creating another site that focus on IM is a good way to separate the two. Great idea let me know when you post more blog posts to your site, looking forward to reading them :)