Deciding on a Niche???

Last Update: September 04, 2011

Wel, day one at WA and already my brain is going into overload just trying to come up with a suitable niche that i'm interested in and could write about. My brain is jumping from one idea to the next but can't seem to just make up my mind and go with one thing. I think I'll just sleep on it tonight.  I'm thinking about something to do with panel beating as thats what i do (and know about). See what tomorrow brings i guess 

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jatdebeaune Premium
You're probably going to come up with lots of niches, and eventually develop them too. But one at a time. Just choose the one that feels the closest to who you are. Then writing about it will be a breeze. Best to you.
sherbet penny Premium
Labman is right. My advice is choose a niche on something you know about especially when starting out, something you are passionate about and would love to write about. My biggest mistake when I started a year ago was going into niches I did not know enough about and hadn't much interest.
Labman_1 Premium
Ah well, now there's a niche that has much potential. Make sure you focus on a specific piece not the whole enchalada
adamleo Premium
Panel beating is the term used in Australia for automotive body repairs. Fixing cars
Labman_1 Premium
Well, this is an unfamiliar term to me. Perhaps it is the translation from Aussie to US English. What is panel beating? Some sort of drumming?