About Alex Copeland
Joined June 2008
"Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm."
— Winston S. Churchill

Been some ups and downs on the way, gone full time passive all the way through to doing the offline thing with what I have learnt and everything else in between...

Still doing a lot of Internet Marketing and Web/Graphic design but now also releasing some of my own products and still loving the challenge... and the money!
Alex Copeland's Accomplishments

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restlesslimbs Premium
Your success story is uplifting. I'm glad you we able to "stick it to the man." I love the part about your old job paying you more now than when you worked for them.
Alex Copeland Premium
Thanks very much... feels good to do that I can tell you! Hope everything is going well with you too.
RayJay777 Premium
Hi, I liked your about me page so I added you to my buddy list. I too have spent most of my life in sales and am trying to convert my knowledge to IM. Having trouble with the graphics end of it now. I can't even download Photo Shop free trial copy.
Any help with graphics like headers and ebook covers will be appreciated.
Your New Buddy,
Alex Copeland Premium
Hi Ray, nice to meet you. I am a web and graphic designer by trade (among other things!) so give me a shout if you need a hand or want a job done. Best of luck. Alex
Tans Premium
Hi! I just wanted to say thanks for your assistance today but your bio is awesome! Definitely puts mine to shame so please don't read it. I'm definitely focused on the making money aspect and loving working from home.
Alex Copeland Premium
No problem at all, glad to help! Keep in touch and thanks for visiting my space!
lrh1966 Premium
Hi Alex, welcome to WA, I am new to affiliate marketing, and look forward to being my own boss, I have a deep interest in music recording, especially the archiving of old, and rare recordings onto the digital formats using the best transfer techniques to make these recordings available to the masses, have a wide range of music interests from Classical to Classic Rock, and into some of the newer Rock like your style as well, but not much of a Rap fan, I also have a deep interest in the collecting, and archiving of old/antique radio/stereo components, and from your country of the UK, I have collected old information manuals, and spec sheets from audio companies such as Tannoy Speaker Co., and Quad Acoustical amp and speaker maker, plus info from here in the U.S.A., and a few other countries, I ordered this info through the mail back in the 80's before the internet revolution, but at least I have some original documentation right from the makers, if I were to do such a request for historical documents from those same companies today, it would probably be much more difficult, and expensive because of the tighter security on foreign orders after 911. We have the internet now so there is not the need to go that rigorous route on hunting down vintage audio equipment info, I look forward to marketing, and hopefully we can work on some projects together, my dream is to one day open a museum just dedicated to the evolution of the recording sciences from Edison's first phonograph, to the latest digital audio/video technologies, and everything in between, and this would be a "living museum", in that the displays would all be fully functioning, and fine tuned to optimum performance to show off each era of technologies in there best light, and get reactions from the visitors along the lines of "WOW!!", I cannot believe stuff this old can sound, and look so good, or other jaw dropping revelations along those lines, but if I want that "Dream Show-Case Audio/Video/Recording Media's Museum", I better get the ball rolling from somewhere, as I am 42 years old, and not getting any younger, so maybe it can happen!?, I better first focus on internet marketing, and see if THIS can lead to THAT?, look forward to marketing, and hope to chat with you sometime, friends always..Lloyd.
pamcake Premium
welcome to WA!