30 Day Challenge / Day 4 - 5

Last Update: March 16, 2011

Today was a pretty productive day, not only did I manage to do Day 4 and Day 5 for my SEO website -- but I also started potty training my toddler.  I'm not sure which I am more proud of myself for doing!  Although I can tell you that keyword research and writing articles is a whole lot easier...and less stressful!

So far I haven't done a lot with my Children's Party Entertainer website.  I haven't even had a chance to buy a domain name yet.  I think once I do I can catch up pretty quickly.

I did not submit the article to Street Articles as recommended, but EzineArticles instead.  I plan to write one for Street Articles tomorrow.  The keyword that I picked wasn't one of the easiest to incorporate into the article body and titles...so I don't even think I managed to get a 1% keyword density.  I will work on that!  

 Tomorrow hoping to do more.  Maybe I can get the party site caught up.

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April2012 Premium
There are so many tools for use on WA that I forgot about the Rapid Writer. Thank you Labman!
Labman_1 Premium
If you use Rapid Writer you can track how many times you use a keyword and keep track of the keyword density. It ports over to SA nicely too. Well sort of. It has a tendency to eliminate your paragraphs. Sometimes leaving an article and coming back later makes it easier to complete or refine.