30 Day Challenge / Days 1 - 3 Combined

Last Update: March 11, 2011

I've been working on the 30 Day Challenge as they come into my in box (I'm actually half a day behind!), but decided that I wanted to start blogging about what is going on.

 I have two websites that I am working on through this process.  Both of them are personal for me and local business websites.  One is offering SEO services to local businesses and the other is a direct sales company that I became a distributor with.  I love the concept though and know it is going to be a big hit in my area.  I will be offering Stuff-N-Fluff Workshops (like build a bear) for children in my local area -- but I will be adding affiliate links for birthday party product, game ebooks and other related children's product. 

 Both of these websites I will be using on my SEO site to show the local search engine rankings.

 So far I have the SEO website built, but no content on it yet.  Still need to do a more in depth keyword research on possible topics -- and write my content!  :0) 

For my  kiids party website I have the first page almost done, but need to do keyword research, buy the domain, build the site and then write more content.

 I thought hard about doing two sites at the same time, but decided to go for it because I tend to jump from one topic to another when I just don't want to work on that topic anymore for the day.

 Once my SEO website is done I want to send direct mail to my local businesses to create business.  My goal is to get the basic site done and up in a couple of weeks...or sooner.

 The kids party website it going to be more of an expert site (I think that is what they are called).  I really have a lot of ideas for this local business and am very excited about getting it up and running!


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erussell Premium
"Expert" sites are more often called "authority" sites.
Fallulah Premium
Sounds great and I love your excitement! Lots of Luck!
Moonstone Premium
I cant do the 30 day challenge as cannot play the videos
tonylen Premium
I like your reason for the two sites. I too find it hard to stay focused on just one thing for an extended period of time. Sounds like you are really moving forward.
Mathea Premium
I am blogging about my experience as well. It's a great way to decompress and vent. The kids party site sounds great. I had previously thought about a similar thing- so I will find your experience good!