The Boy Who Silenced The World For 8 Minutes!!
In the movie "Pay It Forward" teacher Mr. Simonet wrote on the blackboard on the first day of school."Think of an idea to change our world and put it into ACTION," That's a tall order, thinks Mr. Simonet's surly seventh-graders…all except saintly Trevor. He comes up with a big-hearted plan that requires an "extreme act of faith in the goodness of people." Or perhaps, as sourpuss Mr. Simonet suggests, a Utopian society. It Forward 02.jpg" name="graphics2" align="bottom" border="0" height="100" width="100" /> It Forward 01.jpg" name="graphics3" align="bottom" border="0" height="100" width="100" />
This movie has a very valuable lessen in it. "Paying It Forward" If you can't pay someone back, then pay them forward. It means the recipient of a favor does a favor for a third party rather than paying the favor back. Latch onto this idea for this is the secret to success and fulfillment in any business and life!
I'm sharing this with you today because 'Giving Back' is very dear to my heart and it is part of the passion that drives my business and life to serve others and contribute to making a difference in this world and to those that come into my life! From this experience I have experienced such joy and satisfaction.
You know, being in this industry we have daily opportunities to exercise this principle, doing it without an agenda, just merely help because a need has been identified and you can do something about it.
Give Back What You Got....Once you acquire the knowledge & skills you need to put your plan into action and your success begins to transform your business, it’s beneficial for you to Pay It Forward and serve others who have less knowledge and experience than you have.
Well here's this powerful video clip for you to watch, of the movie "Pay It Forward" The boy who silenced the world for 8 minutes, I know it will tug on your heart as well!
To your Success and all that
You can Be!
Your Friend For Life,
Marty Misner
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