About Meadow Breeze
Joined December 2010
Hi Everyone, I have wanted to create a successful Home Based Business for a long time. This time I have confidence that I am going to make this happen. There's a lot of very good information here and its up to us to implement what we learn. I hope to make some friends and maybe be an inspiration to some buddies in the future. I am sure there are some great people in the WA Communities, so far everyone that I have encountered seems to have that "You can do it attitude"! And I appreciate that. This past year (2010) has been a very tough year for so many of us, but if we can pass on that "You can do it attitude",and try to help each other, we shall gain personal success in return! I live in Randleman, NC, USA. My hobbies are Art, RC Airplanes and now Internet Marketing seems to be rising to the top. I have been happily married for 30 yrs +. I would like to make some buddies to climb these mountains of Success because together "We can do it!" Meadow Breeze //// When you pay a price for something that saves you time and helps you make
money, that price becomes an investment!
Meadow Breeze's Accomplishments

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Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME to the WA community!
Glad to have you here! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Meadow, You are in an excellent place to learn Internet Marketing. I would be very happy to be your buddy. Be sure to attend Jay's WA-binar tomorrow night. It'll help give you perspective. Top navigation bar of WA home page, click WA-binar and register. Don't worry if it all seems strange at first. It really does kick in after a while.
jatdebeaune Premium
I work with CJ, Linkshare, Google Affiliate Network, and Shareasale. Of all of them, I like Shareasale the best. Not sure CJ credits you for all the sales. I think they're careless. All of them usually wait a month before paying you commissions. I think that is to cover returns and charge backs. Chargebacks are not a big problem, at most 10%. I don't have too many of those. You have to bear in mind that this is a numbers game. Just go after as many conversions as you can. Affiliates are fine. But even better is to have your own product eventually and have affiliates selling your product. Look forward to sharing in the New Year! Have a Merry!
Meadow Breeze Premium
Thanks jatdebeaune, I certainly agree! I am still learning just how to navigate WA and all of the content really looks worth the time & effort it will take to comprehend. I have been on WA for 11 days now and I have seen 6 WAbinars! I am looking forward to seeing more. Thanks Buddy --Merry Christmas! 2011 is gonna be GREAT!
Meadow Breeze Premium
Thanks for your response buddy. Have you any info on Affiliate Networks such as Commission Junction, LinkShare or similar sites? I was looking at the service agreements and was concern w/ charge-backs & negative accounts, sounds like they could pay then take it back under certain circumstances. Any recommendations? Thanks for adding me as a buddy/ Merry Christmas / Hope I can help you or share an idea sometime!
Meadow Breeze Premium
Thanks for your reply jatdebeaune, Good WAbinar tonite at 7pm est What time zone are you in? I live in NC, anyway Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas &HNY2011 !
WRI Premium
Welcome to WA and hold onto that truth!
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family