Posts by Barnabus 23
October 28, 2010
I like my club. I really do. Kyle and Carson do a really good job of assigning tasks, leads you through each task step-by-step,and explains the why,what and wherefore, before moving on to the next part of the program. In a perfect world there would be no lagging behind. I would be part of the pack and happy,happy,joy,joy, would reign supreme. However, this is not the case.  Sometimes I fall behind a little...OK ..More than a little. (Sort of like one of those wee beasties you see on Animal
Say what you want to about Wealthy Affiliate. You have those first amendment rights, you know.(At least here in the US) In my opinion WA has got just about everybody beat in the 'learning to earn' department.  Even though I get miffed sometimes about how slow some issues get resolved, or questions might go unanswered for an undue length of time, or I get 'frustrated' with techniques I might not fully understand. Still, WA is still about the best thing I've found on the net when it comes t
I get irritated when I buy something and it doesn't live up to my expectations. Be it as it may, I hold no one at fault when I get less than I expected. I figure "What the hell. I'll make it work." It can be a software package, a nano I-pod, or even a widget (whatever the heck that is). I paid good money for these things, and by gosh, if I don't get what I pay for I get upset. Having the feeling of getting scammed is the first thing that comes to mind. However, I've seen other peopl
September 30, 2010
Hi WA Buddies, I know it's been awhile since I have written anything. I have let my marketing efforts slide (shame on me) and have focused on something else of more importance. Myself.(Well, Shoot. I think I'm important anyway.)  Basically I've been working on improving my health. It hasn't been easy. In fact,it has been downright frustrating. I don't now how many times I have wanted to use the big "F" word in conjunction with certain bodily functions and go back to the easy livi
I think of a niche I have enough knowledge about, passion to keep it interesting, and a solid foundation for development of a potentially good marketing concept.  That's the easy part. Now it's time to hook this chosen niche with a domain name.  Finding a really good domain name can be really difficult. That's a nice way of saying what I really want to say, but I promised myself I wouldn't use I brainstorm, come up with a dozen or so names, travel over to Go Daddy,
Does this sound familiar? Whenever I sit down at my desk, crank up the old pc and start putting together my next great campaign, my mind starts to wander. At present, the popular term for this malady is coined 'Attention Deficit Disorder' (ADD) My mother called it daydreaming. My father called it being "scatter brained". I prefer calling it "Thinking about all the other things going on in the world having nothing to do with what I'm working on at present." This can be a p
July 26, 2010
This will probably be my last blogpost for awhile. No, I'm not leaving WA.   I'll miss it, but as of late, I have had a hard time staying focused on any particular subject. I realized the fact this morning after my 5th attempt of writing here on my blog. I have a lot on my mind right now. My only sister fell and broke her hip a couple a of weeks ago. She hasn't been in the best of health anyway for the last several years. She got real old, real fast. She's recovering--but slow and touch an
I like fresh tomatoes. I like hot peppers. And I'm just nuts about cucumbers. I have all three vegetables right at my fingertips and the best part is, I grew them myself in my very own garden. All I do is provide water and pick the vegetables when they are ripened enough to eat.   I have what can be considered as a low key attitude towards  gardening. I'll be the first to admit, the garden is a bit rough looking. The cucumber vine winds it way through the tomato plants in competition
Too many good free things come our way. Free Ebooks about the lastest and most secret  (place choice here). PLR articles out the gazoo (no way in Hades could we use them all) unlessyou break 'em down or something and give them away to someone else who in turn would put in their larder (or hard drive). Loading up with new e-mail folders with the next best thing for making big bucks,where said e-mails will lay dormant until your PC dies of old age or from gluttony. (like m
First of all, kill the term 'Newbie.' You are not a newbie. You are a person. You came to WA looking for answers. Your questions could be in regard to learning new skills, improving on learned skills, or just being part of something being worthwhile your time and money. For whatever reason, Welcome to It's All About Personality I'm lazy, I procrastinate and I never get a lot of projects off the ground. I pick a niche then lose interest in it real quick. It's not the fault