Posts by Barnabus 23
When someone asks me what I do for a living, I answer "I am a retired military person" I consider this as my living. I have been out of the job market for quite some time, and I do not see myself jumping back into the rat race anytime soon. The pension income I receive for my 20+ years of service pays the bills. What I would really like to say to the person asking this "What do you do?" question is, "I'm an Article Marketer making big bucks by writing and promoting whate
A week ago I was struggling to come up with some new article ideas. Now, I'm overflowing with all sorts of neat stuff. How was this possible? By taking a small vacation by way of a road trip. Everybody should take a road trip now and then. Getting away from work, works miracles in refreshing your mind. Leaving the trappings of the daily grind isn't always easy for many of us. Most of the time,daily responsibilities overide any desires for "movin' on down the road." If your job gives yo
December 16, 2009
Every morning I read through a (enter favorite prefix  here) -load  of e-mails trying to get me to buy something, try something, give something , or do something. Most claim to make me rich with no effort on my part. Thank goodness for the check mark for  bulk erase. This morning along with the 60 or so "promises of undying ops" one piece of mail caught my attention. It was for a no cost keyword research tool found on Google called the Wonder Wheel. (Sounds like one of t