Posts by Beachballer 5
As a business owner, you must develop an action plan. Here is a technique that has worked for me, though I highly suggest to find out for yourself how you can best make things happen in your own way. Remember, you can only achieve results when you TAKE ACTION. Create a DAILY plan of action for online tasks that you wish to achieve. I like to physically write them down with a pen and paper. Set time limits for each of these tasks to make you more focused, accountable, and to make more efficient u
May 10, 2010
We are all here to figure out how to make our first dollar or make more money online. In my experience, there are many factors in doing so, yet there is one major key: PROVIDE VALUE. Making money online or offline happens when we provide something of value to someone else. Think about all the times you have been compensated in your life.  You most likely completed a valuable task, carried out a job, or helped someone find a solution to a problem. You enhanced someone's life for that moment,
May 06, 2010
In my experience with IM, I have realized that successful marketing seems to come down to INTENTION. Do you intend to merely drive people to a sales-page and achieve a conversion, or is your intention to actually provide solutions and value in order to increase the quality of life for your lead? There is a big difference and this intention is transparent in marketing campaigns. Marketing is a MINDSET - Your ad copy is a direct reflection of your mindset. After hours and hours of surfing the web
May 04, 2010
One thing that has come up constantly for me ever since I decided to be an entrepreneur is TIME MANAGEMENT. Learning how to to be accountable and efficient with our time is a must!  We all have the same amount of time in each day. We must learn to leverage our time to make the most out of our energy and our efforts. I have learned a few things about time management since making my foray into this industry, and I figured I would use this opportunity to share my top 3 favorite things wit
May 03, 2010
Hello WA community! I just joined today and I love what I just got myself into! I wanted to write my first blog post so here goes... One of the most important lessons I have learned in my life is to take action that is coming from a place of gratitude & inspiration rather than desperation. When we decide to take an action from a mind-set of appreciation for our ABILITY to do that thing, we can feel the difference. Working on the computer for example, in a global market that never sleeps, sho