Not Very Well and Really Worried.

Last Update: July 24, 2012
Things have not been going too well for the past 6 weeks and now it has come to the stage where I have no choice but to cut down the amount of time that I can spend working online.

For over 10 years I have battled against ill health but recently things have taken a turn for the worse.

I have two hospital appointments which are for next week, one is for a breast cancer check at the clinic.
(Men can get breast/chest cancer although it is rare)
I am in a lot of pain in my chest which I am worried about and although the Doctor said I have nothing to worry about because my blood tests were negative, but it does not explain the amount of swelling and pain I am in.

However my Doctor is more worried about something apparently unusual with my heart and I have to have an Echocardiogram.
I know I have a problem to some degree because I have an irregular heartbeat, but was born with that one.

I am really worried at the moment and cannot seem to concentrate on anything.

I have no Family at all to ask for advice or help as my Sister was the last of my immediate Family and she passed away last May.

I am praying that there is nothing seriously wrong and even though I am not an overly religious person, I have said a few words.

They say a problem shared is a problem halved.

I have very few people I can share things with, but I just thought you should know the reasons why, if you donot see much of me here on Wealthy Affiliate.

Kindest Regards


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Rea Premium
Hi Neil.. I hope you don't mind me writing...just want to say thanks for sharing about your health worries. About the pain and swelling in you chest, like the doctor said, there might be nothing to worry about much.. The thing is, rarely does ca presence with such severe pain and swelling symptoms. Hopefully it could be something benign.. Maybe inner muscles problem, which can be treated. Hope the heart problem is not serious too.

I'll remember you in my prayers. Wish you all the best. Remember you're not alone. God Bless.
(One of your WA family members.)
Bigman Premium
Thank you for your kind words.
jpnetco Premium
Stand strong Neil. You certainly have family here who are keeping you in their thoughts and prayers, you don't have to be religious to be spiritual. I know it is hard to focus and concentrate right now, but that may just be exactly what you need to do to try and keep your mind from worrying so much, worry and stress release cortisol in your body which is not good for your heart, so when worry comes a calling, redirect your thoughts to other things and away from the worry, I know it's hard to do, but we all have the power to change our state of being instantaneously by changing our thought processes at that very moment, even if you consciously know things are the same, your brain doesn't and you can inhibit the release of damaging chemicals from your brain and instead have it release healing ones. Think of it as taking your vitamins or medicine for that matter, only it's natures supplements that are healing you. Again stand strong, busy your self with things that you enjoy, favorite foods, favorite music, t.v. shows, any activity that you immensely enjoy, that gives you a sense of well being and peace as you are doing it. For me when I am down, I listen to Dean Martin music, I don't know why but when I hear Deano sing, my heart, my soul my whole being smiles and I feel good and I know while I am in that state of being I am being good to my body and mind and healing is taking place, rather than damaging worry and fret.
You CAN overcome this.
Bigman Premium
Dean Martin music, that takes me back a
Although I'm only 50, he was one my Mum's favourite singers.
jpnetco Premium
I just turned 50 myself. Happy 1/2 a century to ya. Now let's really start living.
Ty Johnson Premium
You may not be religious, but I believe in God and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I will pray for you and ask my family and church to do the same.

Also you can PM me if you need to talk to someone, I am currently fighting cancer myself and I can't imagine going through that alone, I'm here if you need anything.
Bigman Premium
Thank you very much.
I am really sorry about your own situation as well.
Ty Johnson Premium
Don't worry my nightmare is almost over, mine was not very serious.
Apina Premium
Hang in their mate, sometimes these things aren't as bad as we think they are. Hoping all goes well.
Bigman Premium
I'm trying but my concentration levels has gone out the window at the moment.
Hudson Premium
Neil, I am so sorry to hear your news. I will pray for your recovery also. We have been through breast cancer with my wife and it's a tough time. I know it sounds odd but finding some support group to talk to preferably face to face in your area, will be very beneficial for you. If not keep the messages going here and we will help as we can. Good luck man,
Bigman Premium
I never thought about a support group.
Thank you Hudson.