About Bigman
Joined January 2008
I started IM in 2008 when I joined Wealthy Affiliate and went down the path of Squidoo where I made enormous inroads.
From the changes that Squidoo made I then went down the Wordpress Blog routes from running autoblogs to using article directories galore.
Here I am back again at WA after a 6 month break with even more knowledge than I had before.
What did I learn?
I learnt that focusing on one thing and one thing only, brings not only greater success but a greater understanding of how to start a business from scratch and maintain that business as if it's a real bricks and mortar type business.
In the past I couldn't see this, now I do.
IM isn't difficult it is just understanding all the pieces that make up your business so that you can assemble the jigsaw puzzle correctly.
I have missed WA but I did need to go and explore other avenues to satisfy my what if's.
Now I'm back more determined than ever.

Bigman's Accomplishments

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eve Premium
Hi Neil - you are an inspiration to us! It takes a very strong person to deal with all you have gone through, so how about changing your name to 'Strongman', which is fully deserved. Kind regards to you!
Bigman Premium
Hi Eve, Thank you for the kind words. It has been a tough year but you have to carry on otherwise I would just fall apart. That wouldn't be any good at all.
Supergran then...............lol, I know several older people who can show the youngsters a thing or two when it comes to the Internet and PC's.
Kirst Premium
HI Neil
remember me? I newbie who joined about a week ago?
Week 2 has begun and with that lots of new info. But Article marketing is grabbing me now - even though it takes more time!! I have read bum marketing method but need to go over it a few times to get it down. Its helpful.
I am thinking of other things down the line, once i have the capital, time and energy to get it going, and once i have article marketing waxed. That might take some time, having gone through some stuff. I am finding it hard to grasp, but i believe i will get it in time. Anyway, i checked the post on the accreditation course. I have the money to spend on more courses, but not on PPC, so am considering doing this course. BUT, i haven't finished the 8 week course yet, Should a newbie like me even consider the accreditation even before finishing this 8 week course?? I feel I have a lot to read but don't want to study PPC yet, as i don't want to get into that line. I have time right now until beginning of June to throw myself head long into this, and then wont really be able to focus in on it until September again. Summer is a busy season for me. IN essence I have 4 months to give article marketing a good go and to hopefully make some sales
Just wanting to hear your opinion on the matter.
I am battling to find low keyword counts. once you find a product, do you use keywords linking to that product in your KW search? Then find sites with low optimized results?? Its hard man! The google ad words gives me a list but everyone has given me such high results. What do you do then???? Do you take that kw phrase and change it again using google adwords?? and dig and dig and dig? Say i found a product on horse training success. That was the books title. Do i type that kw phrase into google adword search?? or do i change the phrase a bit? But it must include at least one of the key words in the product title musnt it?
Cheers from rainy Okinawa
Did you know much about IM before you joined WA?
thanks again :lol:
Kirst Premium
Hey Neil
Loooong time no chat!
How are you?
I am still here and pressing on in article marketing.
Been slow but I am learning so much. I have yet to see a sale but it might be because I am only just getting traffic and have 2 people in an opt in list! got so excited when that happened.

Just to say that i went back to a message you sent AGES ago about setting up my avatar here on wa. Followed your instructions and now my face is in my profile on the forum. just wanted to say thanks and to find out how things were going.

how long did it take you from the start until you started seeing sales?

well how ever long it takes, i am not gonna chuck this up - i can see the potential but I just have to crack the code! Also getting used to all the techie stuff helps. Also having robo form to enter all the passwords etc saves time.

Oh well just thought i would say hi.

would be nice to hear from you again sometime.

chuawenching Premium
Hi Bigman, thanks for donating me a gold (just realise it). Not sure why I got one, but thanks in advance. I am pretty here. I had read the Who Loves Money, Inside the list and half way reading Beating Adwords. On my 1st week on 8th week action plan, but I still have no idea how to start my engine. I will figure it soon, no shortcuts in success. Thanks.
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Neil,

Hope you can come back soon. It sounds to me like you've got a lot of friends here who will really miss you. Keep working. Make a promise to yourself that you'll carry on working as if you were still a member here.

Take care,
Internetgranny Premium
Hi Neil,

Just wondering how you're doing now? Health problems getting better? Suppose the 'wonderful English summer weather' isn't exactly helping. Hang in there. I'm giving you a few pieces of gold as encouragement.

All the best
Bigman Premium
Hi Isabella, I'm doing okay, it's just an old complaint that's come back to haunt me again.......lol
Third time for a stomach ulcer!
Alex CH Premium
Hey Neil, just saying hello.
Hope you are well.

Best Wishes
Alex CH Premium
Hi Neil,
I am not a dentist mate but I have a business going. I organize, and help people with cheaper dental treatments in Belgrade. Do you like website? it took me around six months to do it (including research, content writing and establishing professional relationship with Dental Clinic over there). Although, I%u2019ve commissioned a professional web designer to do the actual website. I wanted to be trustworthy and fast. Web design is still unknown teritory to me.
It is not something for IM, but being here I can promote that too.

Bigman Premium
Hi Alex, Found the WA Spaces then, I should use this more but I keep forgetting.

Looked at your site, are you a Dentist then?
Bigman Premium
Very professional looking site, taking your time with it certainly pays off.
Now all you have to do is Market it, which is what you will learn here on WA.