Facebook Internet Banking

Last Update: July 12, 2012
Wow - Facebook is now proposing to do internet banking, which means you can now pay your utility bills on this social networking site.I just hope that you don't get a display on your timeline that Bob has just paid his electric bill 22 min ago - haha.

Have a look at this link for detailed info - http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2012/07/10/facebook-online-banking/?iid=SF_F_River
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Shawn Martin Premium
getting too big for their own good., and ours, lol
BlueDot Premium
I think they're opening other avenues for business.They (Facebook) already have their customers - It's just a matter of casting your nets and drawing in the fish that bite!!!
clouiter Premium
Yea mine would read like this: "Chris just paid his light bill 29 days late" not something I want everyone on FB to see. :P
BlueDot Premium
Or it could read 'Hooray Chris has just paid his light bill' - it would be funny if such responses were made - Thanks for reading - Colin
WErRush Premium
haha, that's funny. Hey, tommy just posted his Hustler subscription payment through Facebook! Give it a try @hnsdkfnhf. Hmm, I mean, it's a good idea for Facebook, they will surely make more money from it. Walmart started their own bank, so it can be done. Interesting stuff
BlueDot Premium
Haha - no privacy there - and what happens if your subscription fails - 'Tommy's Playboy subscription was returned in error due to insufficient funds 25 min ago on tommy's Timeline
hi folks
WErRush Premium
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