huhuhuhuh hello 123.

Last Update: July 26, 2022

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Carson Premium Plus
BlueDot Premium
No Problem - It's all a learning curve - thanks
Apina Premium
Great advice! I think it may only be an issue with WA hosted sites, but good to know just in case! How are you finding the theme?
BlueDot Premium
I have yet to play around with this theme as I've just figured out the above problem thanks to some of the advice from fellow members within WA. I'll share the experience as I go along as I'm sure there will be other issues.
ThomasPaul Premium
Great info. I don't use that theme, but I always love it when people share how they fixed problems that they encounter. I'm sure someone will find your post very useful.
BlueDot Premium
Yes - I know from experience, trying to solve a problem can be very frustrating and time consuming. Mapping out a problem and sharing this, is what this community is all about - "Sharing is Caring"