Posts by Boss_Jacob 3
July 20, 2012
Hi Guys,Watching one of Jay's Webinars and overhead an invite is required to register for Pinterest. Being A member of Pinterest I can help out anyone in need of an invite to join Pinterest I would be glad to send you an invite. All i need is your email address you wish to register & to send the invite so cool just shoot me an email ( I would be more then happy to help however I canTake it easy Guys.Jacob
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Hello EveryoneHope you guys having a wonderful day as much as I'm having, getting ready for the fall semester at my university and I'm pumped up ready to go woo. LOL Anyway I've decided to share a juicy bit of info I would like to share for those of you just starting on a wordpress site and wondering what Plug-ins will help SERP your site or at the very least make it standout from the common everyday website.I used these Plug-Ins myself so they are tested by me and wont crash your wo
Hello Everyone in WA world!This is my very first post on WA I've waited close to three months, felt I was too much of a greenhorn back then to discuss marketing lingo or anything really without embarrassing myself in front of WA veterans until I believed I was a success myself which I' am feeling now after making my first sale just yesterday. Honestly I've felt the pressure of being self-employed with no safe blanket in place I was out of my comfort zone but I saw a glimpse of the p