Ive found the Promised Land and it feels good!

Last Update: June 18, 2012
Hello Everyone in WA world!

This is my very first post on WA I've waited close to three months, felt I was too much of a greenhorn back then to discuss marketing lingo or anything really without embarrassing myself in front of WA veterans until I believed I was a success myself which I' am feeling now after making my first sale just yesterday. Honestly I've felt the pressure of being self-employed with no safe blanket in place I was out of my comfort zone but I saw a glimpse of the potential in success there was in internet marketing especially after doing my research on Wealthy Affiliate (I was on the fence so to speak for a month until WA email marketing offers dragged me into the WA fold which I've felt has been the best decision I've ever made upon signing up)

For my success here in WA I would like to thank Kyle & Carson for all the training resources they have created with the WA members in mind,Jay for the informative webinars which always gave me AHA moments, and I would individually thank everyone in WA here if I could (if I had enough space LOL) for their invaluable support.

So for Everyone just starting out here in WA I know all the internet marketing techniques from Creating my own website,implementing SEO strategies to driving traffic to that site,Article marketing & PPC Marketing for that site and the list goes on are overwhelming at times, I've been there folks (trust me If I could do it so can you) but I truly believe that with some patience, a can do attitude and a well thought out plan of action true success is out there guys and gals just need to reach for it.
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Boss_Jacob Premium
thanks guys success has already fallen on your lap for just joining WA and I believe If I can be a success then every one else can be just keep at it
ThomasPaul Premium
For me I'm realizing that a "can do attitude" is really important. Instead of focusing on why you can't do something or why it won't work, focus on how to do something and how to make it work. One line of thought leads to inaction, the other line of thought leads to action and success.
gulfsidewalt Premium
Great comments.I am also reading and absorbing information.I feel my sucess on the
way.I am 2 weeks into the program,every step has been an adventure.
Botho Premium
I am glad it works for you. You are proof for all (us) newbies to stick to the plan and make it happen.