Posts by Brownie54 9
January 11, 2012
Well I managed to get two articles accepted at SA.  Only 28 more to go before I hit Expert Status.
January 08, 2012
Well I finally got my article submitted to SA by trying various things.  Still have not heard a thing from support.  Does Street Articles even have support?  Now that my article has been submitted since early yesterday it is still in pending mode.  What is with that?  I keep reading in the forum on the quick turn around when submitting articles at SA .  This is sure not quick.  The only reason I am trying to use SA because I think it is a good idea to use vari
January 07, 2012
So I opened another account at SA so I can write under another name.  I am  beginning to believe that SA does not like me.  Most every article that I have submitted there I have had problems.  So why should this article be any different. Also I did email support and have heard nothing from them.  Twenty fours hours and not even an email back to acknowledge my email.  This to me is very poor customer support. I normally would act just like a typical Canadian and not
Well as is the custom of a New Year most of us try and make some resolutions for the upcoming year.  Some people try to quit smoking maybe quit drinking, maybe even lose weight.  Since I no longer smoke(thank god) or drink and I could stand to lose some weight but nothing too drastic I have decided this is my year to truly make money online.  I have been trying this for 6 years now with very little monetary success.  I have, however, learned a lot and I think this is the yea
September 27, 2011
Do you remember Michael Vik's pitbull Jonny Justice that was rescued from the fighting kennels of Michael Vik?  Anyway 12 months after his rescue he became a certified service dog and was working in a library.  He would lay or sit patiently as young children read aloud to improve their reading skills. The librarian however, banned pitbulls from the program stating that some parents had concerns.  Advocates for Jonny and other pitbulls mounted a challenge since in California breeds
1 comment
September 24, 2011
I am truly amazed at how we as supposed intelligent beings can be so stupid when it comes to animals.  Right now in Belfast a family has been going through a very hard time because of the BSL(Breed Specific Legislation)  There dog was taken from them last year because he resembles a "Pit Bull" He has been held in an undisclosed place and was ordered to be euthanized.  The family will not sign the papers to have their pet euthanized so it has gone to court. Just watch th
August 21, 2011
Hey thanks for the comments.  I'm glad I am not the only one that feels that way.  I think my problem has been to start something and then get frustrated and start something else.  I am really slow at stuff so when I hear how fast some people have success I feel I should have had success by now also but I have to realize how slow I am at this. I am going to concentrate on my gout site for now.  I am going to also work on one of my other sites also.  My reasoning for this
August 17, 2011
So I am starting over and have already run into a snag.  I totally disagree with the first part of the training that asks you to send emails to friends basically promoting WA.  First I really do not know anyone that is interested in making money online and secondly I do not think it is right to promote something that you yourself has had no success with. Maybe I should try the thirty day club. Maureen
August 17, 2011
I have been trying to make money online for so long now that I do not know what direction I should be going in or what I should be doing.  I am suffering from information overload.  So I have decided to start back at Square One.  Hopefully this time I can have some success because I know this is going to be my last attempt at this.  Presently I have a site up that is promoting a clickbank product about Gout Remedy.  The site is located at