Save Lennox

Last Update: September 24, 2011

I am truly amazed at how we as supposed intelligent beings can be so stupid when it comes to animals.  Right now in Belfast a family has been going through a very hard time because of the BSL(Breed Specific Legislation)  There dog was taken from them last year because he resembles a "Pit Bull" He has been held in an undisclosed place and was ordered to be euthanized.  The family will not sign the papers to have their pet euthanized so it has gone to court.

Just watch the following:

Save Lennox

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Brownie54 Premium
I believe that Lennox just resembles a pitbull. Your right Joan it is a very dumb law. We have two dobermans which at one time was at the top of the hit list. People get these breeds - pitbulls, dobermans, german shepherds for some type of "status" then they mistreat them and yes the animal does become dangerous but whose fault is that! You can do the same thing with a chihuahua but obviously his bite wouldn't be as effect as a big breed.
They did bring in legislation in Ireland but they really have no set standard as to how and determine the breed. Just better hope your not feuding with your neighbour and your dog may somewhat resemble a pitbull.
jatdebeaune Premium
Does Lennox just resemble a pit bull or is he a pit bull? What a dumb law anyway. You can't euthanize an entire breed. If Lennox didn't attack anyone, they have no reason for doing this. Is there a law that states no one can have a pit bull in Ireland? This sounds hideous. I'd put a posse together and go get him.
The Lazy Woman Premium
Been following Lennox's plight -just looks like a Pittie that's all. Was supposed to be a hearing last week, but the decision has been put off until this 9/26 week. Save Aurora keeps everyone posted. I've shared and shared, I do hope common sense prevails - however, as Voltaire said, "common sense is not so common". Pray!