Discounted Article Writing Service for WA Members

Last Update: July 26, 2012
Hi fellow WA members! How's everybody going on? I know I was not so active during the past days and months because I got busy with many things - writing articles, building new sites, editing videos, and a lot more. Article writing became my best source of income along with video editing. While pondering things, I thought of working for you guys. I think it's a good idea for me to offer discounted article writing service for my fellow WA members. In this way, we can help each other.

I have also been writing regularly for some WA members from the month I joined WA (that was June 2011). However, for some reason, Kyle and Carson removed the WA jobs here due to some members who were scamming or what not. Don't worry though because I'll not scam you. I'm a real person offering real online writing services. Some WA can testify that I wrote articles for them and we had a good transaction.

So what's the deal?

Okay, here we go... I know that most article writing services from companies out there (such as odesk, elance, etc.) are offering a 500-word article for $5 (some are even more expensive). There might be few (like iwriter) who are also offering cheaper prices but I'm not really sure with some of their quality and turn arounds.

My deal is to offer you a cheaper price with the best quality I can provide. I'm also a writer of other outsourcing company and my average price is $5 for a 500-word article. However, for WA members, I can write a quality 500-word article for only $3.50. If you are on the budget, just talk to me and let's see what we can do. I can give lower prices especially for those who can give me regular article writing job for their web content and offsite backlinking.

Why am I doing this?

Well, I don't know. I guess I just want to help. If I am writing for other internet marketers then why not do it more for WA members, right? Another honest reason is that, I just want a regular article writing job from people whom I can relate more with (I guess WA people are better people). Sometimes, there are no jobs outside or if not, it is harder to deal with other internet marketers, so I'd rather do a regular cheap article writing service for better people.

My Expertise

I can write for almost every niche though my expertise is on video production, photography, web development, SEO, and almost everything related to internet marketing. I'm also good at writing reviews for camera, camcorder, tablets, computers, TVs, software, and other gadgets. Here are some of my samples:

I know I'm not really a genius writer but I guess I'm just like any other average writer out there. The cool thing is, I'm offering cheaper services with an average quality.

Contact me

So what do you think? If you think this is a fair deal then you can contact me and we can talk about it. My price is very negotiable and I can always conform to your suggested price as long as I can also have something for my effort. You can send me a pm here or contact me at my email address:

P.S. I can also make youtube videos to promote your site but let's talk about that later. For now, let's focus on article writing first.


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