Why am I here?

Last Update: June 25, 2011
I'm a graduate of development communication and through all the years, I spent my life working as office staff, call center agent, video editor, teacher, then back again to video editor. Though I spent years of working, I did not see any considerable results in terms of money earned. That is because the hard earned money are just enough for day to day expenses. I'm still doing video editing job now but I kept on looking for some ways to earn additional income. I tried looking for online opportunities by posting some portfolio in photo and video editing and lay outing services. I was also looking for opportunities in writing online. My brother referred me to craiglist so I tried to send messages to those job posted in case I'll get some reply. I did receive some but it did not still go well. So I continued to search for an answer then I came across programs promising to make big online by buying their product. I was nearly attracted but it's a good thing I did not buy immediately. I tried then to research for internet scams and I was brought to I've Tried That website of Steve. I was attracted by his review of those scams and his promotion of WA looks good for me. I then set up my paypal account then enrolled. He's right that I really can learn a lot here and I just need to work out those things and be patient to succeed. I'm still in the learning curve right now but I hope to gain more money soon. I really need money to marry my girl friend and start a family! 
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Hi there take some time to look around and learn there is a lot you will need to know. We are all here to help. I have added you to my buddies so if you need help just ask! Welcome aboard.
Wayne Hudler Premium
Love is about the most powerful motivator there is!!! You go for it guy.
muskyblood Premium
Hey there, good to have you here. Good luck with your IM journey and I will keep you in mind if I ever have any videos I need help with.
Louise M. Premium
hey there! welcome! you're definitely in the right place. now stay focus and start taking action. oh and ask for help anytime! all the best! :)
Jamie Smith Premium
Great to have you in the WA family! Not only does Steve have your back, but the WA family worldwide has your back too. Please feel free to send me a PM if you need help with your niches.