Posts by Charliebell 7
 I have built a Blogger blog  promoting WA i guess as a test to see what can happen. I wrote an article which has  been on page 1,2 and 3. So i hadn't checked the status of my Blog for any standings on Google,not  even thinking it would be found fo rmy keyword phrase. Well lo and behold  i typed in the phrase and it's on page #1 bouncing between #1 or #2  position with Wealthy Affiliates. I was so surprised (wow) of course still haven't made a sale.If
April 06, 2010
Hey this is pretty exciting,i have'nt  made sale #1 yet but this article marketing is pretty cool my article has moved from page 2  in the 5th position to page 1 into the #2 position. Hey that's out of 1,500,000.
April 03, 2010
 I got to say i'm pretty excited i'm  ranked for my 1st article on Google on the 2nd page.wooohoo!!! Also found it on page 5  and they are only a couple of days old. COST:0.00  
March 28, 2010
Wow put some traction to the action  saturday.Sat down at my PC saturday and started working away deleted my squidoo lense. ,wrote an article submitted it to ezines articles goarticles,articledashboard,also had purchased a program a couple months ago called magic article spinner and submiitter.and submitted .to a bunch of article directories. I added to my new blogger blog.suddenly realized i started at 8 am and stopped at 1:30 am yes the next morning. Got all kinds of into it .wow i felt l
March 23, 2010
Well it is just my luck, my squidoo lense that i built last night.Welllll how do i say this ummm!!!! i went back to edit and publish it and guess what it was Banned for it being a "Sorry this topic has been banned" WHAT A BUMMER,DING DING DING it does not compute. So i will regroup and move on. but how can there be lenses on wealth affiliate? and i build my first one and "POW-WAM-ZOWWIE" i just got kicked right in the old royal Gluteus Maximus. I will never give up ,not go do
March 23, 2010
Guess what putting together a blogger blog and built a Squidoo lense was not as bad as i thought it would be. Of course the writing part is the hardest part for me since i am as slow as a slug typing and the html which i am in a total twilight zone about on squidoo.But it is a start and i have posted it on the amazing forum here at WA. Trying to get my links to work. But it's like this"If you want something you've never had before your going to have to do something you've never done before
February 24, 2010
So this is my first post, well, not really i put in a previous post but, evidently did something (Like did not click SAVE!!! hellooo!!!) wrong because it did not show.  Kind of feels like i have entered a dimenson of sight and sound and also of mind. Anyway IM is very confusing,i think i'm going into one niche and then i read Master Squidoo has banned many many Lenses,Google vanquishes 15,000, Holy Moly what's a newbie to do.Which markets and are they in the market i am consider