Been busy this weekend

Last Update: March 28, 2010

Wow put some traction to the action  saturday.Sat down at my PC saturday and started working away deleted my squidoo lense.

,wrote an article submitted it to ezines articles goarticles,articledashboard,also had purchased a program a couple months ago called magic article spinner and submiitter.and submitted .to a bunch of article directories.

I added to my new blogger blog.suddenly realized i started at 8 am and stopped at 1:30 am yes the next morning.

Got all kinds of into it .wow i felt like i was spinning my wheels allot with the links on  the article directories.VERY frustrating but i know there is a learning curve.

Went back at it sunday afternoon.The bio and resource boxes and placing the links.are a PAIN.

Anyway it was great


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