About Crablady
Joined May 2010
Hey there. My name is Laura. Im known on several forums as crablady, so Ive just kept my the same name here. In case you are wondering, the name is because I keep a rather large colony of hermit crabs as pets. I have several other pets as well, and my profile pic at the moment is my new little puppy. Until I manage to find a pic of myself, that will have to do.

I have four wonderful, busy and crazy sons at home. They keep me busy, and looking after them and the home is a full time job. My youngest child will start school in Sept of this year, and I just know, my husband is going to suggest I start thinking about a job. But the bottom line is I dont want to. My career choice was a Registered Nurse. And I still work in this field on a very casual basis. The long hours and shift work, just are not very compatible with my home life.

So..... I have been wanting to figure out a way to make money online for a few years now. I have tried an on line store with drop shipping and had one whole sale in a year. So Ive been checking out internet marketing. Yes.... Ive spen a penny or two on scams and "make it rich quick" schemes. And finally decided to join WA. Money is very tight right now, so Im very committed to following the program and making my money spent worth every penny of it and more.
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webkab Premium
Thought I'd connect with you since we have been in WA about the same time together. I took the 30 day training twice and especially appreciate potpiegirls blogs and magistudio Jays wabinars and instructions. I launched a business at www.comforthealthybikesaddles.com that producing a small income right now. All because of WA. Best of luck to you and MUCH SUCCESS.
WriterGig Premium
Best of luck on reaching your income goals so you can stay home with your boys even when they are all in school. :)
crazycanuck Premium
Hi Laura! Oh my! You sound like me! I really want to be home too while working as my home life is super busy (I also own a hobby farm) and I just want to be there for my children. You said you don't like writting but your description of yourself was a good piece of writting! See, you have a talent that you don't even know about. :) I wish you luck and hope to be in touch again! Cathy
crablady Premium
thanks for the vote of confidence!
PeruMommy Premium
Hey - thanks for being buddies. :)