Keeping motivated

Last Update: June 12, 2010

It's so hard to stay motivated!  I have 4 children and it seems that some one always needs me almost each and every minute of the day!  I joined WA on May 26 and now, on June 13, I'm here for the 3rd time.   It's hard to even remember what I read and learned last time I was here.

I really, really, REALLY want to succeed at this!  I DO NOT want to slave away for other people for the rest of my life!  And I'm totally sick of these Saturday night midnight shifts that are the only nursing shift that suites the needs of my family.

I need to find a way to stay focused.  It's going to be slow going at first.  I know that, and must accept that.  But I CAN do this.  



1.  remain a stay at home mom

2.  pay off all debts

3.  hire a house cleaner 

4.  travel

5.  addition on house!

to be continued.....

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crablady Premium
thanks for the support and ideas
Yes, working at home is more challenging than I had thought.
I do have a teen that spends time here in the summer as a mother's helper sort of thing. I will have to take full advantage of having her here this summer
slepage Premium
I know you will find a way to make it work. Working from home is always challenging, even without another job outside of the home. I find that no matter what it is that I'm trying to work on, a couple minutes into it I have to stop and get something for someone or do something for someone, but I guess that's is just part of being a mom. What I've found is that it helps to schedule a time to work on the important projects either when their dad is home or they are sleeping. I have from time to time gotten a babysitter if I really have some catching up to do. A little bit everyday is better than 1 day here and there. :)
Sherion Premium
Hang it there, it will all come together. Talk someone into watching those kids and desiginate a certain time to hopefully get on with WA, otherwise you just may not see your motivational ideas come about. lol