Time Management - What is keeping me going is slowing me down!

Last Update: July 06, 2010

Do you have children?  Well I do and i LOVE them.  In fact, this is why I'm doing this.  I want to be here for my children when they come home from school and when they are on summer vacation.  HOWEVER, now that it's summer my time for WA has come to a stand still.  I am now behind on where I want to be and I am frustrated...... sigh......... 

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cld111 Premium
I am with you! We are busy, busy, busy and there's not much time left for the computer. I am here for the same reason as you - to be with my kids. But being with them is slowing me down! LOL. Maybe we don't have to do a bunch of things at once. Maybe it's write an article while they watch a show. Then do some social bookmarking later when they're playing. Then some backlinking after their bath. We can only do what we can do!
iFaith Premium
Oh I'm so with you on this. My nephews came to visit on their own and I'm in charge of them until they leave. But I do what I can with needs done and trying to enjoy summer with them as well. Balancing every day life with IM is not easy, but it is rewarding when we see progress no matter how small.
Jamie Smith Premium
Time Management is VERY important. Continue on your journey here and maximize your limited time. Always keep moving forward through small steps.