404 - Page Not Found Among Top 10 Best Results!

Last Update: August 06, 2012
I did keyword research this morning. One of the keywords I've determined might be beneficial for me had, as the #8 result, a non-existing page. Literally. The only thing that showed up when I clicked on the link was: "404 - page not found." The keyword, by the way, get little traffic (110 exact match) but it's very targeted to a sub-niche that's quite willing to spend money (as a matter of fact, nobody in that niche does not spend a few thousand to get it just right).

In addition, the title of the site or the domain name have nothing, and I mean, absolutely nothing to do with what the keyword is about (though the keyword does appear in the url of the page, together with 17 other words... the longest url I've seen, and I've seen quite a few).

So, the people who're there in the #8 position have a non-existing page showing up. What does it tell you about Google's great desire (and ability) to give you the best possible results for your query?

Note: I am all for giving good quality content (because that's how you get people to buy). I'm just saying, while you do that, don't forget that neither Google nor your competitors are perfect and that it all starts with proper keyword research.

I, obviously, will make me a page about this url...fully expecting to make it to #1 in no time flat, fully expecting to get 37 visitors a month, like clockwork and, since this such targeted keyword, fully expecting a good chunk of them to buy... or, at least, start a conversation.

All that to tell you that I got a chuckle today. Men, oh men but I' overflowing with words today.
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Shawn Martin Premium
Probably a test. give it a shot!
teacup Premium
That may have been a test page as well. Some marketers have been known to test with a blank page to determine how Google will rank their keyword in the URL
DABK Premium
Maybe, but they deleted it and it was still ranking... Life after death, here we come.
nathaniell Premium
I guess there's hope, even for the laziest internet marketers! Maybe I can create a site called 404-Not Found and have it rank for random KW...

I'm not sure if it was you that posted this, but there's a place where you can report these to Google. Sorry if I'm telling you what YOU taught ME - I can't remember who posted about that.
DABK Premium
Yeah, there is. However, I'm not going to. I'm just going to rank some of my for that keyword.