Stupid Is As Stupid Does... Still, Really?

Last Update: July 22, 2012
Below you'll find a comment someone thought would be a good idea to post on a site I control that's about personalized promotional products. Specifically, the home page.

The home page has an 'article' extolling the marketing prowess of promotional products, and an invitation to buy.

I want you to noticed how exquisitely the commenter matched comment and subject matter, how useful to my readers his comment is, how engagingly he/she writes, how perfect the style, how correct the grammar. Then, I want you to tell me, what the hell is he/she doing? I mean, this is post-panda, post-penguin and post me having patience.

"If you are in uncomfortable position and have no cash to move out from that, you will have to receive the loan. Because it will aid you emphatically. I get term loan every time I need and feel myself fine just because of it."

So, why are people still doing this? It's not like a link from me will do him/her loads of good!
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Renni Premium
Lately I've been getting a bunch of spam from Canadian Pharmaceutical links...on a carpenter's site! Relevant? How so??? Thank God for Akismet These spammy backlink chasers and people who fall for purchasing auto bloggers just don't get it. Let's send them links back to the WA free trial and recruit them....they obviously need to learn how to properly market on the net.
DABK Premium
Renni, aren't all carpenters 60 years or older and have diabeits, asthma, cancer, heart problems, can't perform in bed, have infections that get worse as soon as they see and adze or a plank of fresh wood?
Renni Premium
I'll bet you can make anything relevant! hahahahaha
jatdebeaune Premium
Haha, how can that be helping them in any way? I've had articles taken and they reappear in this jumbled up nonsensical form. Lately, this stuff seems to have died down. Obviously, it's still out there. That's funny Dusan.
DABK Premium
I once used the phrase 'vice versa' in an article. Someone stole that article, spun it. 'Vice versa' became 'sin versa' and 'sinfully versa.' Now, that was funny!
slayton1s Premium
Sounds like ScrapeBox. Always people doing dumb stuff I guess. Thankfully I've seen a big decline in spam comments over the past year though.
DABK Premium
I haven't seen the decline. Every now and again, I look at what akismet doesn't let through and it's still there. Very often, there are comments to my contact us pages. It seems, me putting a form with 3 boxes on it is out of this world bright.
Deezdz Premium
I haven't seen much of a decline either. Annoying and a time waster.