Crappy Comment On One Of My Sites - Did You Leave It?

Last Update: March 07, 2011

Someone actually thought someone will actually accept this comment:

gJ18Hk rznlkygvigr, [url=]ffksptqismhd[/url],[link=]ogmwfktkhgw[/link],  ;

In this day and age!

Just had to share my amazement at the laziness and ineptitude.  

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andys43us Premium
If you notice, the website that it links to doesn't exist. So this comment wasn't meant to get backlink. A spammer usually first spams such comments over to millions of blogs and websites. And then he checks all of the websites using an automated program to see how many of those websites actually link to All the websites that do link to that website are auto approve because no human in their right mind will approve such a comment. Once he has the list of websites that are auto approve, he will then spam all those auto approve websites with his real website. This way he saves his website from being marked as spam by websites that have humans moderating the comments. Make sense?
DABK Premium
Joan, presumably, he's talking about getting a backlink. There are sites that accept all comments. So, if the writer of that comments shoots it to 10,000 sites and a measly 2% accept it, he's got 200 backlinks out of it.

Now, since Google's going to start to pay attention to what links contain and how they relate to pages (I thought I read somewhere that they are, maybe it's just me wishfully thinking), it will carry less weight.

On the other hand, as long as it carries some weight, a link like this, done automatically to thousands of sites, still saves time.
jatdebeaune Premium
Promise I didn't do it. What's the very specific purpose Andy is talking about? I need "spam" education.
andys43us Premium
that comment has a very specific purpose in spamming.
Labman_1 Premium
Hey, that was mine. NOT>