Do You Honestly Want To Make Money As an Affiliate Marketer?

Last Update: December 28, 2010

I get questions from people in this forum, from clients.  I get objections and comments.

 I'll spare you and just give you my conclusion/solution:

If you honestly, most sincerely and truly want to make money as an affiliate, write down all the reasons why someone (from your target audience) should buy whatever it is you're promoting.  Then, for each reason you come up with, write an emotional reason that goes with the logical reason.  Then use both in your marketing.

As wise men say, people buy on emotion, justify the purchase with logic.  You gotta give 'em both.

No, don't say that.  Nobody needs a Ferrarri, Chevys and Honda's take you from place A to place B just as good.

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Jamie Smith Premium
I do make $$ and agree with your blog 100%. Wishing you great success in 2011 and beyond!
morlandroger Premium
Great advice. Now back to do some rewriting!
jatdebeaune Premium
That's really great advice. Mind if I carry it into the New Year? It's like having arrived at your destination and tracing back to the beginning. What would cause you to buy something you don't really need? All emotion, all how it would feel.