Google Wants To Know. Do YOU Want It To Know?

Last Update: August 29, 2011

Google will like it if it knew who put up every page on the internet.  Presumably because it would know who to trust and who not to trust (after a while).  Here's the link of how they want you to do it:

 The question is, if you're new to putting up websites and do something to earn Google's distrust, is there a way to 'rehabilitate' yourself?  Google's mum on the subject.  I'm going to go on a limb and say it's going to be the same as with adwords.  Not good.

 But what if you're an internet marketer, honest and all, who just doesn't like people to know what you're doing?  Maybe because you don't want your competitors to find all your sites and linking strategies with a couple of clicks.  Or maybe you just don't want the people at your church to know the source of your mojo.

When you read the page I sent you to, notice that Google thinks it's an ol' grand idea to have your photo all over the Inter Nets.  Obviously, I do not.

I know Google has to be ahead of spammers.  But, if I were a spammer, what would stop me from creating 7000 Google accounts and rotate-spam from them?  I mean, yeah, it's a couple of extra things I've got to do, but if it pays the bills, I might just say the price of doing business went up 50 cents (or whatever someone would charge to create Google accounts) and shoot out 50 cents worth of extra spam.

Well, I'd like to think what people think of this one.

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morlandroger Premium
The potential for spam is high as you say. Besides which how does Google know that the profile and the photograph you put up are real? It is one thing to create a trustable image but it might still be just that. An image not the reality.