Google works in mysterious ways, man!

Last Update: June 08, 2011

A site of mine that's 9 months old was ranking 6 and 11 for the top keywords, getting me 25-30 (new) visitors a month.  I'd watched it rank 78 and 92, then 64 and 80, then stall at 21 and 29, then go again (11 and 17), then 6 and 11.

Then, 2 weeks ago, I'm 176 and 195.  Stayed like that till yesterday.  Yesterday, I was ranking  7 and 13.  Except that keyword 1 is now ranking lower (13) and keyword 2 is ranking higher (7).  Yesterday, I got 10 new visits.  

I'm thinking maybe Google isn't done yet, and I should wait a couple of days before I draw any conclusions.

 But, even though I knew it does things like this, it's still annoying to go from a rate of 700 visitors a month to a rate of 0.  Yes, even though I'm going back up and, by the time I'm done, I'll have a couple of thousand visitors a month, I am annoyed.

Just wanted to let y'all know that.  That's all.

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Sherion Premium
I went to that site and set up an account and found out you have to download firefox in order for it to work. I have IE and am so used to it and I think that later I might download Firefox on my old computer. This laptop is new and I don't want to mess it up because I am not a guru when it comes to computers. Thanks so much.
DABK Premium
Sherion, Rankchecker from told me I was 195th.
Sherion Premium
How can you tell when you are at 176 or 195. I search the first 10 pages and if my websites aren't there or my articles then I just don't keep looking. I also don't like to search in quotes because I never search in quotes for anything. Maybe I am wrong. But I would like to know how you get your results. Thanks
jatdebeaune Premium
Hey Dusan, they better not truck with you. If too annoyed, just have dinner at a fine restaurant with your lovely wife and order something delicious and a good wine. Tomorrow, you'll be at 2000.
Tough dealing to a giant unless you have a slingshot. Every offline business I've been involved with that was sales dependent had its highs and lows so online is unlikely to be any different. Can understand your being annoyed but as Mark Twain once said: "When I'm angry I count to four, when very angry I swear."