Know When To Fight, Know When To Run

Last Update: June 16, 2012
Mayor Bloomberg's war on sugar.

If his goal was to make people think about what they drink, he's succeeded. But I think his goal was to make people thinner. At that he's going to fail... though, indirectly, over a long period of time, he might win.

Right now, it definitely looks like he picked the wrong battle. Given all the resources at his disposal, you'd think he might have chosen a batter way to run his war, or a better war.

What's that got to do with marketing?


I've wasted time on projects that weren't bringing any money. So have you. I called it testing long after I knew the results of the test.

But I know of some people in the IM world who've been promoting the same product, the same way, for almost 2 years. I know I've been after them for at least 1 year to change either how they promote or what they promote. My preference is the how. But they're still doing it.

Success here comes faster if you test a lot. If tests have short time frames. If you don't try to make something work but find something that works to work on.

Or, in short, success comes when you pick the right battles. You need to know when to stop something.
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Labman_1 Premium
Bloomberg is misguided. He thinks that by legislating the low cal lifestyle he can change people's thinking. It just makes people upset with him. He's been in office so long he's getting a God complex. And now that he's done away with term limits and has unlimited funding to pound on his competitors he's probably gonna be there awhile until he makes a huge error in judgement. He may have done so with this. We'll see if he is flexible enough to listen when his plan backfires on him.
Shawn Martin Premium
Awesome advice, thanks!
I don't think that there is anything quite as fascinating as the male Ego! Just kidding guys....(?)
Such a burden.
A "thinly" veiled comment on moi? Or, am I reading way too much into this? Either way, you're Right!
DABK Premium
I'm always right. The bane of my life, he, he, he.
Labman_1 Premium
Once I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.