Putting Successful People Down By Way Of Marketing

Last Update: March 09, 2011

I read a blog entry on some marketing guy's blog.  The post was all dedicated to bashing a well known marketer, Dan S. Kennedy.

Points made:

1. Beware, everything Dan Kennedy does is marketing.

2. He says you should appeal to people's emotions.

3. He calls buyers herds.

4. He has the gall to suggest that marketing principles apply to all businesses.

 The post was well reasoned and highly cynical.  Because the guy was using all Dan S. Kennedy marketing methods to market himself.

Including, use celebrities to market.  You bash Dan Kennedy, with Dan Kennedy in the title, a lot of people are going to want to read.  Because it's Dan Kennedy in the title, not you.

As to point 1.  Why shouldn't a marketer market while his working but a pizza maker should make pizza?  Nobody complains about a receptionist that does nothing at work but receptionist work.  

As to point 2.  He failed to mention that Dan Kennedy says people buy on emotion, justify with logic but don't buy crap.  That Dan Kennedy says you should show a preponderance of why your product fixes whatever the customer wants fixed.  Yes, he says you don't have to be the best at something, good is good enough to start.  But he also says you have to have a product that does what you say it does.  Then say it does what you say it does in many ways.

3. He does call them herds.  As in, you want repeat customers, so build a fence around them, to keep your competitors from getting to them.  Wise advise if you want repeat customers.  

4. Dan Kennedy has a big peeve: People who don't try things because they know from the start that their business is different.  And, yes, businesses are different.  That doesn't mean that you can't find a way to adapt someone else's marketing to yours.

Ok.  I'm done.


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