Who Else Loves Being Lied To?

Last Update: May 25, 2012
In case you did not know it, there's a law that prevents the US government from using propaganda on/against US citizens. These days, our beloved senators, bless their little hearts, are thinking that's no good. They want to lift the ban. They want us to be lied to. Because, you see, politicians have, until now, been such straight shooters that the country's going down the toilet.Here's the link to an article on the subject:[url]http://www.buzzfeed.com/mhastings/congressmen-seek-to-lift-propaganda-ban[/url].So, how many of you want to be on the receiving end of the US propaganda machine?
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jatdebeaune Premium
Disgusting. I don't believe what they have to say anyway. Thornberry and Smith used Al Qaeda as an excuse to pass this bill, one more way to compromise the sanctity of individual rights and privacy of American citizens. Seems as if they passed it under the radar. Am I right?
rocktivity Premium
Just another manifestation of government by the (corporate) people, for the (corporate) people...
fishing Premium
your government must be taking notes from ours here in Canada....lol
stadium Premium
thought i added a comment
jchilders Premium
Really? There's a law AGAINST the government lying to us? I just assumed EVERYTHING they said was a lie. Makes things much easier.
taradm Premium
That's what I thought too! "There's a law against that?" If it were enforced, we'd have no one left to govern!
CurtisJ4U Premium
It's actually reverse psychology, hiding the obvious in plain site, and performing the lies more often under the "No Propaganda lies" Bill, than not because they think we're dumb enough to believe Government officials magically become law-abiding citizens under such a ridiculous cover to promote their deceitful schemes. In other words, they get away with murder because they've agreed to stop lying...meaning plans for even bigger lies to take place.