Getting Needed Backlinks and Remedial Content

Last Update: April 25, 2012

I would like to span out with this campaign to the study of the other available brands of HD extreme sports camcorders. In so doing found an underwater lighting kit for my campaign, specially specified for the GoPro HD Hero 2 Camera.

There was one outfit out there. when worn, it made the user look like an alien with this humongous hand controller wired to the bullet-shaped camera on the helmet. The camera is good for up to 10 feet underwater, but the controller cannot be submerged.

Doing the next article on underwater camera lighting kits. There will be a post for the specific product (there are actually two different lighting outfits offered, one more powerful than the other..)

Today I will be working through these two things, even though the Course really doesn't call for a new post and a submitted article to it. I ran into this opportunity and thought it good to do it. I can always come back to adding another article for the front page when it comes to creating a new post and an article for it.


The second article is written and submitted.  The first has been approved within 20 minutes after submission.  Again, I made sure I used as many lsi words in my article as possible.

I will be moving on to the next thing in the course.  With hopes, I will move through the next lesson tonight.

It's still not showing up in the SERPs in 700 places!

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Bigman Premium
No don't delete the .xml file whatever you do. Yes you have to add your site in webmaster tools then follow all the instruction there. If you haven't already done this.
Yes, all this is now resolved. I really appreciate your help and friendship! Maybe someday I will come to the Land of Palm 105.5 and check out the beautiful national park you have there...and of course, stop in for tea?

Check out my blog post this morning. Wanna see what shocked me to attention?
Bigman Premium
That's good then.
Bigman Premium
The top four lines are because you haven't got a sitemap in webmaster tools, it's completely different to xml sitemap plugin. Sign into webmaster tools with your gmail account then search for your site and go into sitemap, you will download an html page which has to uploaded into your Public Folder on your Hosting for your Site.
The way I did it with the .xml doesn't work? I will look into the html method. Thanks for the added tip. The top four lines are no longer there. There's lines in there, where the red ones were, showing this has been verified and is running. I will do the html thing to ensure it's right. When I refreshed the page, the errors went away. I looked for an HTML file to download but the only thing I can download from there is a .cvs file of the sitemap list in there. I tested the .xml sitemap when I was there and it is reporting "no errors." In the list of sitemaps (I have only one in there right now) the last item is "indexing." It is reporting "pending." Before I verified the site, I think I did run into the option of downloading an HTML file. I can try "add new site" and see if I can do it...and then delete the .xml file and the reference to it.
I was confusing the html file with the xml. All of this is in place. I was going in circles trying to find that file and when I went to do it over, knew I'd been through it and made me investigate just what file I actually uploaded. Webmaster Tools is working perfectly.
Bigman Premium
Setting up additional categories in blogs with similar products is a good thing both for traffic and your readers.
I would be having categories, such as one for the camera's posts in performance, another with videos, another for accessories, etc. It is one of the things that needs to be done. I have the one category now having changed that from "uncategorized," which now no longer exists. In actuality, I really need to rename "Blog" to be "Articles" and then I can have the different categories. I do not plan on promoting anything other than GoPro products and third-party products made especially for the GoPro cameras. There's still something up that is preventing my site from showing in the SERPs, however, is searchable when directly Googling the URL. Hoping I can catch the issue with going through the course with this campaign. Concerning pinging, I know how to ping my WP blogs but not my articles, bookmarks and other websites other than WP. I have to "relearn" that and surely is in the Course because I've done all this before..
Bigman Premium
Everytime you post an article it is automatically 'pinged', so you don't have to worry about that. Showing up in SERPS, this can be down to this, which is what I often forget to do, 1. Sitemap not submitted into Webmaster Tools.
Yesterday or the day before, I found the automatic ping turned off. I had done this some time ago and forgot about it. I have it set so it pings every three hours. I will look into the Sitemap and check out what you are saying here. I did add the Sitemap to this campaign but not sure if I submitted it into Webmaster Tools. Thanks for bringing these items up. The front page has been pinged. As for the rest of the stuff, not yet. It's going to need some work and when I get to those pages, the pinging will occur. So I have pages and posts, but they may not be as SEO friendly as they should be.
I got into the setup and found the top four lines in red in there. When I hit "update," it seems to have resolved and it "built." It reports that Google was notified. Is this all I need to do?