About Ddogg4evr
Joined January 2009
Wow! It's great to be here!

With the help of other talented people (probably like yourself) I hope to become an active member of this community and help others in any way that I can. My day job is in email marketing. If I can help you with anything at all - just ask!

Good Linking,

"Always remember that your own personal commitment to your success is more important than any other thing." - Abraham Lincoln
Ddogg4evr's Accomplishments

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TJ Books Premium
Welcome a bit late! So how are you doing after one week? Be patient and you can succeed. John
TJ Books Premium
There is a message in your box. Click on messages at the top left Green. John
dominodivine Premium
Welcome To WA
simbathedog Premium
Hi ddog4evr, that's good looking dog you've got there.
Just joined from the snowy UK & working through the masses of info.
Have a good day
cfive Premium
Hi Derek welcome to WA. Adding you to my buddy list. I have a good feeling about your future with affiliate marketing...I can't explain it, just have those feelings from time to time. Most often I am right on the money.

Keep working away... I will see your around WA! Chris
ddogg4evr Premium
Hi Chris - thanks for saying hi. Maybe we can work together on something since you seem to have some excellent complimentary skills. Talk to ya soon!
RedRose Premium
Hi Derek, I like your pictures. what's your dogs name? I think you'll find this to be a great place to succeed in affiliate marketing. Very supportive group. Sounds like you're pretty successful already. Hope 2009 is great for you!

RedRose Premium
With you positive attitude, I'm sure you'll be on the road to more success really soon, Sometimes we think animals aren't too smart, but I think they know exactly what they need to do to get around us! LOL ! The "puppy face" is a prime example. Have a great day! Karen
RedRose Premium
Hi Derek,
I would definitely check out Travis Sago's bum marketing, Potpie girl, and the 8 week action plan. Get really good with keyword and niche research. This is a very supportive community if you let them. There are many great people on this forum. Have a great day! Karen
ddogg4evr Premium
Hi Karen! Thanks for the shout out - she's a chocolate lab and way too smart (spoiled) for her own good. I've had some success in the pay check world recently and helped my mom start her own business from home but have yet to do it for myself! I'm trying to approach WA as my freshman year in college (except I can start getting paid before I graduate!).
ddogg4evr Premium
So Karen where are you at in the WA game plan? If you could go back and give yourself some advice what would it be?