Posts by Erussell 10
I don't know when this was released...pretty recently I'm assuming. Check it out. This is definitely a way more accurate way of checking competition, although you should always check the top 10 too. Google Website Competition
So lately I've been pretty busy, my [non-im] work hours have been increased, and I've been slowly removing all the clutter that has been holding me back from what I see as my true potential. During this whole time, I've had a few sites that I've been playing around with. I've also been taking notes and coming up with repeatable methods and strategies to help become more efficient in different areas of IM. Meanwhile, I go to check the rankings for a site I wasn't paying ANY attention to and it's
August 26, 2010
Need free stock photos? I know I do.  Whether it's for your articles, squidoo lenses, or products, stock photos can be very important in helping to get your message across. I didn't create this list, so I can't take credit for it, but I thought some of you might find it helpful. Here it is: MorgueFile Flickr Creative Commons Service Stock.Xchang Image Base Open Photo FreeFoto EveryStockPhoto FreePhotosBank Image After Studio 25 Free Stock Photos PD Photo Free Images Stock Vault Free Digit
No, I'm not angry and I didn't mash a bunch of keywords to express my frustation.  My blog title is actually...a keyword!  Sure, it's only getting 46 global monthly searches according to the Google Keyword Tool, but that's not bad considering the keyword itself, haha.  I was just doing some keyword hunting, and by chance, found this very random keyword. If you want to know what it is, why don't you just search it? ;P
Lately, I've had a lot on my mind. Most of it has been on I.M. to tell you the truth. I've been researching like crazy, and because of this I now have a giant stockpile of websites I want to create and ideas I want to explore. This is partly why I can't sleep right now... I don't think the cheesecake at 10 p.m. helped =D. It was damn good though.  Anyways, to combat my restlessness I have just purchased a website. I transferred the nameservers to my host, so hopefully it will be ready to w
July 28, 2010
I consider myself a pretty good niche hunter when it comes to searching niches online. BUT Today was a completely different matter. I know that you can easily find niches by being aware of your surroundings and using logic to explore their potential, but today I was on a roll. After work, I wanted to relax a bit, I turned on the T.V. and I saw a commercial that fueled my niche-hunting fire. I fired up the computer, crunched some keyword numbers and found that the product had a decent amount
Yesterday, I went to check the rank of one of my sites. The day before it had been at 18 for a somewhat competitive keyword.   Before I started the rank checker, I thought to myself perhaps the site moved up in the rankings, as it had been on a slow but steady climb. I then started the rank checker...gave it a moment to scan through the data.  I looked at the rank...Is it in the top 100? No. Okay, it must just be the google dance. I proceed to google, typed in "site:
1 comment
July 19, 2010
This is the best salespage I have seen... Best Salespage Ever!   
Geez, I totally understand why the IM business is HUGE. It's because people like me...  I have something to admit though...  I'm a shopping addict!  First it was IM products. I got seduced into the next big product or system, and I must say that I actually chose pretty good products. Most of them didn't provide long-term business advice or techniques, but some did give solid knowledge and tricks of the trade.  Now it's a different story though. It's IM services. I'm subscri
So...if you have read my About Me, you have probably realized what a truly awesome person I am already! If not, let me tell you what else makes me incredible...joke, joke. :P Trust me, I'm not this selfish in real life. In fact, I can be really insecure at times, but I'm working on it. Life story aside... What I am to achieve in this first blog post is to reveal a bit of my IM background. Over the last 8 months I have made a decent amount of money, through affiliate marketing. I've spent way too