Something strange happened...

Last Update: July 21, 2010

Yesterday, I went to check the rank of one of my sites. The day before it had been at 18 for a somewhat competitive keyword.

  Before I started the rank checker, I thought to myself perhaps the site moved up in the rankings, as it had been on a slow but steady climb. I then started the rank checker...gave it a moment to scan through the data.

 I looked at the rank...Is it in the top 100? No. Okay, it must just be the google dance. I proceed to google, typed in "site:";

 The homepage, nor any of the other pages weren't showing up. Only the backlinks were. I'm scared now; I look through all the results checking to see if perhaps it was on a different page - it's not. I try several variations of "site:";, "site:", "site:";.

 It's not there! Sh*t! Have I been deindexed?? I start to search my weary little heart out about how to get my site reindexed. There's hardly any good information. I don't know what to do...I go to sleep thinking my site is dead =[

 Today, I wake up. I go to work, it sucks. Come home and check my email, not too much in my inbox today. I go to my google toolbar. I doubt nothing changed from the day before but I want to see what will happen. I type in "site:";, and my site is there! The end.


If anyone can enlighten me, please do, as I am really confused.

P.S. Like my anti-climactic ending?

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maureenhannan Premium
I can't enlighten, but I can tell you it's already happened to me too. To tell you the truth, that's one of the reasons volume is becoming so appealing to me. Makes me nervous to think of how much I could lose investing a lot in one site and then seeing it sink into the Google sandpit. Hey, and thanks for the comment on my blog. Nice to find another T.S. Eliot fan. And I'm discovering just how many of us struggle with being perfectionistic and hyper-critical. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your IM ambitions. You write well! ~ Maureen