Is it possible to become a full-time affiliate?

Last Update: August 20, 2012
Hey everyone,

For the past few weeks, I have been seriously considering and researching about the ways I could earn some income online. After a very thorough analysis of different options and 'Gurus'(Scams), I came across WA and one other course I found online which was legit. Anyways, long story short, one of the reasons of joining WA was to explore affiliate marketing and whether it would be possible for me to become a full time (so to say) affiliate marketer, bearing in mind the following:
1. I'm located in Pakistan. I believe that would already raise flags when I apply for affiliate membership in different networks. I already got a rejection from one of the small networks which I applied for. They had a low-profit product I wanted to promote.
2. I have zero experience in affiliate marketing or blogging. Obviously, thats not an excuse since I've already learned quite alot in affiliate marketing.
3. I plan to build small niche sites catering 'hidden' brands with low competition. The ultimate aim would be to build an empire.:)

Anways, So my serious concern is that I'm located in a country where affiliate marketing has still not developed (atleast online) and thus would be forced to promote products located in other countries. Also the fact that many networks would reject me just because I'm applying from Pakistan.

I would appreciate feedback on the above mentioned issues and thank you in advance for your help. WA is truly THE place to be right now.

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gud Premium
I agree with the comment by chamaltatis. I am in the United States and I can tell you I have been rejected from affiliate programs. Some programs are looking for people that can generate high traffic, and have certain criteria in their web sites. I just shrug it off and go to the next one. There are thousands of affiliate programs available out there, so don't be discouraged by that. With a little perseverance and knowledge you can gain here I have little doubt that a full time living can be made in internet marketing. I also would echo others who say this is not a get rich quick deal it takes study, work, and discipline to make it pay off. Welcome to WAU and good luck in all you do.
thank you so much for your reply. Appreciate it.
chamaltatis Premium
First off, welcome to WA! I'm from the Philippines and like you, my country is not yet that much on selling products online. I know where you are coming from and it's really challenging for us who are not from the US or UK or other countries. I also cannot get it why other companies don't accept affiliates just because they are from Pakistan. Just because some Pakistanis did something bad does not mean all Pakistanis are bad.

Anyway, about your question if it is possible to do affiliate marketing as a full time job even if you are from Pakistan, I think the answer would be "yes." Even if some companies don't accept affiliates from your country, I believe other affiliate programs will still accommodate you. Just try to look for those programs who are accepting affiliates from any country. However, I have to say that affiliate marketing is not a "get rich quick scheme." It may take some time before you can make it as your full time job. As long as you are patient though, it will surely happen soon.

Another alternative also is that, you can provide services online. You can create your own site, optimize it then offer services such as SEO, web development, graphic designs, etc. Here in WA, you will not only learn affiliate marketing but also many internet marketing skills that you can use to make money online. I know a lot of Pakistanis out there who are making money online by doing SEO and graphic designing. In fact, many great graphic designers are coming from your country. Moreover, you have the advantage to offer cheaper prices.

So good luck! Enjoy your stay and if you have some questions, feel free to ask the community through chat, forum, or blogs.

Thank you so much for your comment. Valuable advice there. I'll sure look into providing services online. Thanks again!