About Gud
Joined August 2009
I have been in business for 20 years selling screen printed T-shirts and embroidered shirts and jackets. Frankly getting very tired of the daily grind.
I am new to IM and hope this will be an easier more lucrative way to to support myself and family than selling T-shirts.
I was raised on a dairy farm in Pennsylvania and I'm no stranger to hard work. In 1988 I had a an accident that almost left me crippled. it has limited what I am able to do somewhat but I don't let it hinder my success, and I am more thankful for every thing I have and life itself.

I really think I will be able to use this IM not only to better my life but to help many other people along the way.
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mama2karsten Premium
If you are New to IM, Welcome to the wonderful world of WA! If not, Hello to you Gud! It appears you have chosen to follow me and now In return, I will follow you and occasionally observe your progress. This is a great community of learning with many contributors. There are so many tools for learning... use them correctly and you
will become a "master of the craft"...tutorials, forums, WAbinars and training programs. However, if you have any questions, ask them. You will discover there are many helpers here... post here, post in live chat... whatever you do, post your questions! IM is hardwork like any business, except you can do it from just about anywhere. There are no magic beans... but with planning, great content and a product or service people want... it can be both very rewarding and lucrative. Thank you for following me and good luck. Julie
gud Premium
Thanks, I Appreciate your comments. I'll find a balance between keeping my "real Job" and getting IM working. I can see it takes commitment and discipline, as do most things in life.
betts Premium
Thank you Gud, you are a hard worker, now it is time to work smart instead of working hard. Welcome to WA and have fun with the business! abetts23
Adrian66 Premium
Hi Gud, thanks for following me. As I’m new to WA there’s lots to learn, but it seems to be a great online community with like minded people. Great to see you here, enjoy your music and congratulations on your success, Adrian :))
Ty Johnson Premium
Thanks for the follow, please let me know if I can help with anything
babyboomer20 Premium
You are so right about being here at WA, most people flounder for years in online marketing, then give up because they don't have any success. You are doing it the right way...Learn then you will Earn!! I welcome you into my space here and want you to feel free to contact me at any time.
To Your Success,